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时间:2022-09-28 08:02:02 作者:语文迷 字数:2913字


To make a fool of


耍令───To make a fool of


I'll teach you to make a fool of me.───我要教训教训你,竟然来愚弄我!

Don't have any more to do with him, he's trying to make a fool of you.───别再理他了,他正在捉弄你呢。

you trying to make a fool of me?───你想把我当傻瓜吗?

When he say we is trying to make a fool of him, I can only murmur that the creator have beat us to it.───当他说我们在企图愚弄他的时候,我惟有嘟囔着说:造物主早已抢先了我们一步了。

Vote - the Instrument and symbol of a freeman 's power to make a fool of himself and a wreck of his country .───选举权——是自由民行使愚弄自己兼破坏祖国只权力的手段与象征。

When he said we were trying to make a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beat us to it.───当他们说我们在企图愚弄他的时候,我惟有嘟哝着说:造物主早已抢先了我们一步啦。


A motorcycle offers unlimited opportunities to make a fool of yourself, never mind dying.

The mature glider pilot would never hesitate to make a fool of himself in the interests of safety.

Why did you try to make a fool of me in public?

One thing Congress apparently can do in a bipartisan spirit is to make a fool of itself.

But it was the knowledge that he'd deliberately set out to make a fool of her that wounded her the most.