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时间:2022-09-28 04:01:24 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2999字


You can have a look


看一下───to glance at;大家───everybody


I only had time to glance at the newspapers.───我只来得及浏览了一下报纸。

She took her eyes off the road to glance at me.───她把目光移开马路,瞥了我一眼。

Ms. Jones turned to glance at me again.───琼斯夫人又扭头瞟了我一眼。

In the dark, a pregnant woman turns her head with a weary smile to glance at her.───黑暗处,有位怀孕的妇女转头用一种诡异的微笑直直地看著她。

But then some boys began to glance at me in curiosity, and one of them came over and asked, "Who brought you? "───接着一些孩子开始好奇的打量我,其中一个走上前来问:“谁带你来的?”

I was tempted to glance at the growing pile, just to check the size, but I knew that idea would not be helpful to my no-vomiting strategy.───真想瞟一眼那令人恶心的肉槽,目测一下尺寸,但我知道这个主意对我的拒绝呕吐的计策没有帮助。


He did not even deign to glance at me.

He thought she just wanted to glance at something in the text and he let her take It.

He turned to glance at her as if the sound of her laugh was quite pleasant to his ears.

One has only to glance at a human skeleton to see the numerous segments of the vertebral column.

You only have to glance at the credits on a Hollywood movie to see the polysyllabic, ethnic diversity of surnames in the great melting pot of the United States.