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时间:2022-09-28 00:04:29 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3249字


December 1st


十二月一日───December 1st


It is scheduled to report by December 1st this year, shortly after the mid-term congressional elections.───这个特别委员会计划于今年的12月1日,国会中期选举不久后履职。

on December 1st, when Mr Cameron woundingly branded him the “son of Brown”, was his worst yet.───在12月1日的议会上,卡梅伦更是毫不留情批评他是“布朗的儿子”,这是米利班德最惨痛的失败。

In his report on December 1st, Lord Turner will probably call for more nuclear-power stations and wind farms.───勋爵在他12月1日的报告中很可能呼吁建立更多的核电站和风能发电站。

On December 1st Google offered to let publishers who want to charge for news restrict traffic to five articles per reader, per day.───12月1日google提议希望新闻收费的(报纸)发行人限制每人每日五篇文章的(网络)流量(之类免费?)

In his report on December 1st, Lord Turner will probably call for more nuclear-power stations and wind farms.───特纳勋爵在他12月1日的报告中很可能呼吁建立更多的核电站和风能发电站。

The first blows landed on December 1st when tensions within the ruling majority burst into the open.───在12月1日发生的第一场政治风波是因为多数执政党公开化爆发关系紧张。


Employers agreed to pay on December 1st nearly the full wage hike they promised to give on April 1st.

A BARREL of oil could be bought for $47.36 in after-hours trading at the New York Mercantile Exchange on Monday December 1st.

President Amadou Toumani Toure cut the ribbon for the building. At the completion ceremony of the building on December 1st, 2007 in the Presidential Palace.