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时间:2022-09-27 04:01:50 作者:语文迷 字数:3117字


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开机───Power on;电脑───computer


Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.───岛上居民发起一场运动,要求废除岛上三级市政管理层中的一级。

Carrots have magic power on lowering blood pressure and blood fat.───红萝卜,显神通,降压降脂有奇功.

Automatic startup upon phone power on.───自动启动后,手机电源.

The doom has no power on me longer.───那个对我的诅咒已经失败了.

Islanders have campaigned for the abolition of one of the three tiers of municipal power on the island.───岛民们已经发起了运动,要废除该岛3级市政权力中的1级。

Enable password protection at power - on ~~ Requires a password when turned on.───启用开机密码保护功能~~开机时需要密码.

Whenever the power - on or power off, the printer is system initialization.───每当开机或关机时, 打印机都给举行编制初始化处事.

Microprocessors monitor tyre wear and brake power on cars . v.───微机检测汽车轮胎的耐用性和制动力.


Evidence of electrical power on main and stand-by systems has to be determined and generator or alternator functioning assessments must be made.

Equality may perhaps be a right, but no power on earth can ever turn it into a fact.Honore De Balzac

That contract confers power on the directors of the company to manage the company.

Since then, Gingrich has retained power on the inside, but he stopped making high-profile appearances.

No power on earth could force me to do it.