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时间:2022-09-26 20:01:24 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2353字


be not of the common sort


非同凡响───be not of the common sort


We can consider different soft collocation in the design, considering the user end demand, create a beautiful ceiling be not of the common sort.───所以在设计的时候可以考虑不同的软膜搭配,在综合考虑一下用户最终的需求,打造出不同凡响的绚丽的天花板。

Want can not be replaced, it must be not of the common sort.───想要不可替换,就必需不同凡响。

The reporter was the postman, creativity and perseverance are overwhelmed, touching a piece of be not of the common sort of stone, and he was deeply shocked, the dream moved him to tears.───记者被邮差的创意和毅力所折服,触摸着一块块不同凡响的石头,他深深被震撼,邮差的梦想感动得他热泪盈眶。

Want to learn me to try have a look. I'll always be not of the common sort───想学我的话就来试看看吧我永远都不同凡响
