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时间:2022-09-23 00:01:29 作者:学习啦 字数:2909字


Not feeling


不情───Not feeling


I'm writing this e-mail to ask for sick-leave because I'm not feeling myself today.───写这封邮件是为了请病假,因为我今天感觉有点不舒服。

Typically, the preferred sleep cycle is delayed in adolescents, which leads to many students not feeling sleepy until much later in the evenings.───通常,青少年的睡眠周期会延迟,这导致许多学生直到晚上很晚才感到困倦。

I'm not feeling very well.───我感觉身体不太好。

'I am not feeling a bit well, Milly, ' she said. 'Serves me right, I suppose, for touching lobster at night.───‘我一点好的感觉都没有,米莉,’她说,‘我想,你们将我服持的很好,因为今晚吃龙虾罐头。

I would not have chosen the role, and I surprised myself by not feeling up to it.───我不会主动选择这个角色的,也没有这方面的欲望,这点使我自己也吃惊。

Gilardino is not feeling the pressure of a new arrival, having got himself back on his feet after a disastrous time at Milan .───吉拉并没有因克雷斯波的到来感到压力,在米兰度过噩梦期后,他又重新找到了进球的感觉。


She's not feeling well.

I'm sorry, I'm not feeling very with it today.

Be nice to me. I'm not feeling well.

I'm not feeling too good this morning .

I'm not feeling quite up to the mark today.