All peppers
She shook some pepper onto her sandwich.───她在她的三明治上撒了些胡椒。
Add a sprinkling of pepper.───加一点胡椒粉。
Add salt and pepper to taste.───随个人口味加盐和胡椒.
Season with salt, pepper and a pinch of cayenne.───调以盐、胡椒和少许辣椒粉。
In a pot , combine onions , garlic , carrots, chicken and thyme. Season with salt and pepper.───一口大锅,扔近洋葱, 蒜头, 胡萝卜还有百里香到里面, 加海盐和胡椒进去调味.
Season lightly with salt and pepper.───略微加点盐和胡椒调味。
He burnes his tongue with red pepper.───他的舌头被红椒辣得发麻.
A fresh pepper lasts about three weeks.───新鲜的辣椒能保鲜约3个星期.
Pepper makes food hot.
Pepper and salt are condiments.
Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.
The officers blasted him with pepper spray.
I'd like to add some pepper to the bean curd.