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时间:2022-09-21 12:00:38 作者:学习啦 字数:2929字


Milk tea


乳茶───Milk tea


What do you want to buy? the king of milk tea or azrael of ice stick?───你要在这买 什么 ?金刚奶茶还是死神冰棍?

We sell bread, milk, tea and so on.───我们卖面包 、 牛奶 、 茶等.

There are fruit juice, milk tea, coffee, coke cola, beer.───我们有果汁 、 奶茶 、 咖啡 、 可乐 、 啤酒.

Milk tea is also a good choice.───奶茶也是不错的选择。

He runs a milk tea house there.───他在当地开了一家奶茶店。

The family boils salty milk tea on the stove and listens to Tibetan music.───一家人围着炉子煮酥油茶,听藏乐.

We are specialized in high mountain tea , jasmine tea, and milk tea shake raw materials.───我们是专门贩卖高山茶、茶 、 莉香茶及泡沫红茶原料等各种不同的茶叶商行.

you ever drink milk tea?───你喝过奶茶吗?


But Deric replied with childishness, "Then can I have nothing but only drink pearl milk tea?"

Use: For pearl milk tea series, mousse, jelly, ice cream and other beverages.

Hank: Would you like another pearl milk tea, Mr. Smith?

Objective To study the preventive effect of honey milk tea on stress gastric ulcer, and to confirm the value of honey milk tea used as an alimentotherapy.

Order a hot milk tea or sample the city's hybrid Canto-Western cuisine like Russian Borscht or a steak on a sizzling cast iron hotplate.