Contrary to the times
That's not a paradox, because rising wages have an income as well as a substitution effect.───这不是悖论, 是因为工资增长有收入效应还有替代效应.
He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers.───他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。
Hegel claimed to have overcome paradox, but Kierkegaard was not convinced.───黑格尔宣称战胜了矛盾, 但克尔凯郭尔不信.
We shall first discuss a more mundane version of the twin paradox.───我们将先讨论孪生佯谬的一个比较通俗的形式.
The modernity paradox deeply germs from the overrule of capital to labour.───马克思的实践批判是解决现代性的根本矛盾的一种切实可行的方案.
Anyone who's been sober at a bar is familiar with this paradox.───如果你曾在酒吧还保持清醒,一定对这个看似矛盾的结论不陌生.
There has been no satisfactory resolution of the paradox.───这个怪现象并没有得到令人满意的解决.
Man is really something of a paradox.───人是一个非常复杂的矛盾体.
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