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时间:2022-09-21 08:02:11 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3152字


gather together


丛聚───gather together


Wholehearted indignation and went from the Internet, will soon gather together.───应声而来并满腔义愤的网民, 很快集结在了一起.

To some extent. People of same interest often gather together.───还可以吧. 有相同兴趣的人经常一块.

We gather together for friend and friend is not just just equipment!───我们为了成为朋友聚集在一起,朋友不仅仅只有装备.

On this day, all the family members gather together at home to celebrate this special occasion.───在这一天, 所有的家庭成员聚集到家去庆祝这个特别的节日.

The life does not own where, gather together is a predestination.───人生何处不拥有, 相聚就是缘分.

Therefore suggest you take all your food MM to gather together, if can not buy snacks.───因此建议各位MM把 自己的所有食物都收起来, 如果可以就不要买零食了.

Every Monday morning, the senior managers gather together and pray about the business.───每周一早上, 高级管理者们都会聚集在一起为生意而祷告.

Children gather together downstairs to show off their yo - yos.───楼下的小朋友聚在一起炫耀自己的溜溜球.


Gather together favourite recipes, make them into a booklet and sell for funds.

Could the bride's family all gather together for a photo?

You will then need to gather together the necessary things to make an application.

The government should gather together a team of global experts to devise irrigation and urban planning.

They would gather together, without husbands, would-be husbands, or bring-home work.