The sky is dark
Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.───炽热的火球冲上天空。
Her silk shirtdress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes.───她一袭天蓝色的真丝衬衫式连身裙,和她的双眸颜色一样。
The sky began to lighten.───天空开始变得明亮了。
The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.───飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。
The sky, swollen like a black bladder, rumbled and crackled.───天空中乌云黑沉沉地压下来,发出隆隆声和噼啪声。
Searchlights swept the sky.───探照灯在空中扫来扫去。
He can't help thinking it's all just "pie in the sky" talk.───他禁不住想所有这些不过是“画饼充饥”的空话而已。
The sky was changing from translucent blue to thicker grey.───天空由通透的湛蓝色变成了暗灰色。
The sky is not less blue because the blind man does not see it.
The beams of the searchlights fingered the sky.
The sky was turning rosy over the harbour.
Justice must be done even if the sky falls.
If the sky fll (or falls), we shall catch larks.