Morning invasion
侵晨───Morning invasion
Marines sweat through an early morning 5-mile run a few days before the invasion begins.───开始前的数天内,海军陆战队大早晨挥汗如雨,进行5英里越野跑。
invasion of Iraq: in the early hours of the morning, the United States and three other countries begin military operations in Iraq.───的今天——“2003入侵伊拉克”:美国和其他三国于凌晨时候对伊拉克开始了军事行动。
The Normandy invasion began with overnight parachute and glider landings, massive air attacks, naval bombardments, and an early morning amphibious phase began on June 6.───攻占诺曼底由整夜的降落伞和滑翔机空降、大规模的空袭、海军轰炸和6月6日早晨展开的两栖作战阶段组成。
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