Record of the dead
冥録───Record of the dead
Four-winged dinosaurs were ultimately a dead branch on the tree of life; they disappear from the fossil record around 80 million years ago.───翼恐龙最终成为了生命之树上的灭绝分支;它们消失于8000万年前的化石记录中。
At once hopeful and skeptical, she visited spiritualists, mediums and people who claimed to be able to record the voices of the dead and examined her own experience of bereavement.───一次怀着一丝希望和怀疑,她找到通灵师这些宣称能听到死亡声音并看到死亡的通往生者和逝者之间的媒介。
Prior to his attempt, the World Association of Benchers and Dead Lifters World Record dead lift for a 12-year-old was 236lb, set by an American youngster.───之前,世界举重和硬举协会12岁年龄组的硬举纪录是由一个美国男孩创下的236磅。
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