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时间:2022-09-20 16:04:30 作者:星火作文 字数:3319字


Looking back


回盼───Looking back


We must keep an eye open for the stranger who is looking back and forth all the time.───我们必须留心那个老是东张西望的陌生人.

" I might as well go right away,'she said, without looking back.───“ 我最好立刻就去, " 她说, 头也没回.

Looking back on it now, I realized that I must have imagined the whole thing.───现在回想起来,我意识到这整个事情一定是我幻想出来的。

Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes.───回顾往事助人进步,基于它可以帮助你从错误中学习。

I thought she was teasing, playing the innocent, but looking back, I'm not so sure.───我当时以为她是在勾引我,装纯情,不过现在回想起来,我又说不准了。

Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.───今后回想起来你就会明白,这并非你事业中一蹶不振的低谷。

One single slip brings eternal regret , and looking back, your whole life has passed away.───一失足成千古恨, 再回头已过百年身.

I looked at the Secret Servicemen, who were looking back.───我望望——那些特工人员, 他们也回望我.


Looking back acrothe years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise. Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!

Looking back across the years,we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise.Growing older only means the spirit grows serene.Happy birthday!

Looking back afterwards you will see that this was not a terminal trough in your career.

Looking back on it , I still can't figure out what went wrong.

Looking back, I am staggered how easily it was all arranged.