kill time
排闷───kill time
She took up painting to kill time.───她开始以作画自遣.
We about the garden to kill time.───我们在花园漫步来消磨时光.
I often do some reading to kill time.───我经常读书来消磨时光.
We can kill time ( pass the time ) by doing horticulture ( gardening ) when we are older.───园艺是一种学问,它包含很多我们青少年所不懂的知识,这对于我们是困难的,难懂的.
Let's play cards to kill time.───咱们玩牌来消磨一下时间吧。
If Susanne is off somewhere, I'll kill time by looking around some.───如果苏珊娜去了别的什么地方,我就稍微逛逛来消磨时间。
In the urban area, people can kill time at night by various means.───在市区, 人们可以以各种方式消磨夜晚.
After all, friends should not be people with whom you kill time.───朋友并不仅仅是与你为伴消磨时光的人.
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