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时间:2022-09-20 08:04:56 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2454字


The crow has a piece of meat in its mouth


乌鸦───crow;叼───In the mouth


Away in the town the cocks began to crow for false dawn.───远处市镇里,公鸡过早地喔喔啼叫起来.

The cock had a strange habit. It did not crow at dawn, but at midnight.───这只公鸡有个怪习惯, 不在黎明啼叫, 而在半夜里叫.

I saw a man leveling a gun at a crow.───我看见一个人正用枪瞄准一只乌鸦.

Cocks crow and dogs bark.───鸡叫狗咬.

My voice is getting as hoarse as an old crow with this constant reading.───由于这样不停的朗读,我的声音变得沙哑起来了.

The rooster's crow woke me.───公鸡的啼叫声把我吵醒了.

Peasants often rise at cock crow to work in the fields.───农民们常常鸡鸣而起,下地干活.

He wanted to make his critics eat crow.───他想迫使批评他的人们认错。


How far is it from here to Nottingham? — Twenty miles as the crow flies.