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时间:2022-09-20 08:03:41 作者:趣历史 字数:2955字


Describe the environment


环境───Environmental Science;形容───describe


Environmental Science and Technology.───环境科学与技术“, ”

Of the first set of professional specialties include: Law, materials chemistry, environmental science, urban planning.───首批设置的专科专业有: 法学 、 材料化学 、 环境科学 、 城市规划.

-- The research spectrum of environmental science and technology has been steadily broadened.───-- 环境科学技术研究领域不断拓展.

Urban dust constitutes an important problem in urban environmental science.───城市灰尘是城市环境学研究的对象之一.

This week it's environmental science.───这周要当环境科学家了。

Microbial Genetics and Pathogenesis; and Environmental Science.───微生物遗传学和发病机理, 环境科学.

Accelerating progress in environmental science and technology.───  ——加速环境科学技术的进步.

We accelerate development of environmental science and technology.───我们加速环境科技的开发.


Again, relative to most other international environmental science processes, this one is pretty secure.

-- Accelerating progress in environmental science and technology.

We accelerate development of environmental science and technology.

Microbial Genetics and Pathogenesis; and Environmental Science.

You'll study environmental science, public health, and biomedical science.