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时间:2022-09-20 00:01:35 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2897字






Under the directly solicitude from The State Department.───在国务院领导的直接关怀下,英文怎么说?

The army commander inquired after Comrade Li with solicitude.───军长关心地问起李同志的情况.

He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister.───他对我妹妹满心牵挂。

There was employment , hope, solicitude , bustle, for every hour of the day.───一天当中,我们时时刻刻都有事干, 都抱着希望,都有所操心, 都在奔忙.

He is full of tender solicitude towards my sister.───他对我姊妹表现出亲切的挂念。

De Chambrun discussed this odd German solicitude for Jastrow with his wife.───戴·尚布伦伯爵和他的妻子说起了德国人对待杰斯特罗的这种希罕的关怀.

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has sent a telegraph of solicitude to Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan.───杨洁篪外长已致电印尼外长哈桑表示慰问.

For Ireland he seems to have had a real solicitude.───他似乎对爱尔兰怀有真切的关怀.


Your solicitude was a great consolation to me.

The solicitude shown him by his neighbours after robbery touched him deeply.

Wrist sphygmomanometer shows consideration everywhere and solicitude everywhen.

She was grateful to him for his solicitude and the tale came slowly out.

She was grateful to him for his solicitude.