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时间:2022-09-19 20:00:35 作者:星火作文 字数:3236字


Many non


众非───Many non


In many non-Western societies, however, monogamy has never dominated.───然而,在很多非西方社会,一夫一妻制从未占主导地位。

But as is the case for many non-profits, there's too much need and too little money.───但和众多非营利项目一样,总是需求巨大,但是资金不足。

In fact, many non-electronic works cannot really encode metadata directly.───事实上,许多非电子化的作品不可能真正直接编码元数据。

English, as a most common used language, is often a hard bone for many non-native speakers.───英语,正如一块大多数公用草地使用语言的,经常是很多非讲母语的人的一块艰难的骨头。

The external characteristic of many non-linear systems is only a certain form time series of variable usually.───很多非线性系统的外部特性通常只能是某个单变量的时间序列。

Mr Crossley says: "I would be staggered if many non-UK businesses could raise money on Aim over the next six months or so. "───克罗斯利表示:“如果在未来6个月左右的时间,许多非英国企业都能在Aim募集到资金,那我会感到吃惊的。”


Methods: Many non - parametric statistic indexes were calculated in order to show a row - column dependence.

Many non - governmental organizations support the creation of self - sustaining programs in poor countries.

To many non - Western countries, Chinese diplomacy represents an alternative model that has value of its own.

Real - time systems have many non - functional requirements, which crosscut entire system and are difficult to be handled.

There's no telling how many non - battle casualties might ensue.