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时间:2022-09-19 12:01:08 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2647字


I think it's cruel to have dolphins perform


海豚表演───dolphin show;残酷───cruel


I want to see a dolphin show in the aquarium tomorrow.───明天我想去水族馆看海豚表演.

The next stop after the station is the aquarium which is famous for its dolphin show and which has recently expanded to include sharks.───火车站之后的下一站是水族馆,它以海豚秀而闻名,最近它的活动又扩展到鲨鱼秀。

DAVID: A dolphin show? Good idea! How can we get there?───戴维: 海豚表演? 好主意! 我们怎么去 呢 ?

Then they watched a dolphin show.───然后他们观看了一场海豚表演.

A writer hired Brenner to take photographs for a children's book about the dolphin show at an amusement park in nearby Nokomis.───一个作家雇佣 Brenner 为一本儿童读物拍摄位于诺克米斯附近的游乐场里的海豚表演的照片。

Why do not you this weekend to see a dolphin show it?───这个周末你为什么不去看海豚表演 呢 ?

LIN TAO: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there - s a dolphin show there.───林涛: 我们去动物园好 吗 ?我听说那里有海豚表演.

Then they watched a dolphin show.───然后他们看了一场海豚表演。
