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时间:2022-09-19 08:01:14 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2496字


Class begins at three o'clock


三点钟───At three o'clock;上课───attend class;class begins


Isn't it a bore I've got to go out at three o'clock? " she muttered. "───“我非得在三点钟出去不可,这不够烦人的吗?”她低声说。

Michael: She told me to meet her at the front gate of Stone Gate Park at three o'clock this afternoon.───迈克尔:她告诉我今天下午三点到石门公园门口和她见面。

Here he paid a heavy price for his escort, and hence he started with it on the wet, wet roads at three o'clock in the morning.───他在那儿付了一大笔保护费,便在凌晨三时跟护送人一起踏上了泥泞不堪的道路。


All this at three o'clock in the morning in the middle of the most dangerous estuary in the country.

The watch had stopped at three o'clock.

It's a bit much ringing me up at three o'clock in the morning.

I duly knocked on his door at three o'clock.

It was pouring down with rain at three o'clock.