Sign a secret
The snow showed no sign of melting.───雪没有一点融化的迹象。
They will sign the union treaty only on their terms.───只有同意他们的条件,他们才会在联盟条约上签字。
The imperialist powers forced the Qing Dynasty to sign a series of unequal treaties.───帝国主义列强迫使清王朝签订了一系列不平等条约.
Their battle cry will be: "Sign this petition before they sign away your country."───他们呐喊的是:“在他们卖国之前,在请愿书上签名。”
He scanned the horizon for any sign of land.───他仔细眺望地平线,找寻陆地的踪影。
Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.───官员们担心他会把对外交的重视理解为软弱的表现。
You have to sign here and acknowledge receipt.───你得在这儿签名,表示已收到.
The truck shows scarcely any sign of wear and tear.───这辆卡车基本上没有什么磨损.
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