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时间:2022-09-18 12:03:26 作者:星火作文 字数:3362字






Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city , Hubei Prov.───湖北省 荆州市 红苑大酒店.

Authors: Jingzhou Administrative Office of Cultural Relics.───作者: 湖北荆州荆州城文物管理处.

Liu Gang , Hongyuan Hotel, Jingzhou city , Hubei Prov, China 434000.───434000湖北省荆州市红苑大酒店刘刚.

This articledescribes the history of silk production in Jingzhou area over thousands of years.───文章叙述广荆州地区丝绸生产几千年的发展历史.

Northwei xiao ming Cishi Dili for Jingzhou, in the state two years, died in office on.───北魏孝明帝时为荆州刺史, 在州两年, 死于任上.

Ancient Jingzhou Cheng is full of new youth and splendor of the more fascinating.───古老的荆州城正焕发出新的青春和更加迷人的异彩.

Jingzhou a similar situation, including the fields of Zhongmian Hua also numerous species of a rape.───荆州也是类似情况, 包括种棉花的田里也密密麻麻的种上了油菜.

It a history of over two hundred years over, 1965 in hubei province jingzhou first unearthed.───其距今已有二千二百多年的历史, 一九六五年首次出土于湖北省荆州市.


The ancient circumvallation in Jingzhou city is the most integrated one in Southern China. It is the city cultural landscape with especial value. It embodies the character of Jingzhou city.

Objective To understand the epidemiologic situation of Trichobilharzia in the region of Taihu Gang in Jingzhou, Hubei province.

With the fringe area of Jingzhou City as the research object, this paper calculates the non-market value of farmland by using the contingent valuation method(CVM) based on 125 effective samples.

The shaft sinking with the aid of grouting in Jingzhou Asbestos Mine indicates that sinking is possible in aquiferous karst area.