What's the point of Spain's 18th suleir speech
酥烈───Crisp and strong;艘凰───Ship Phoenix
Fresh complex aromas pear, green melon and lime are balanced by crisp acidity and bright mineral notes that lead to a clean, strong finish.───新鲜的梨子、橘类及瓜类水果的香气,平衡的酸度赋予此酒爽脆的口感,余味悠长。
Preheat skillet, add oil. Bring to a boil over strong heat. Whisk eggs again. Hold mixing bowl over skillet and let the egg mixture trickle in, forming crisp droplets.───锅热后加入油,大火让油迅速沸腾,柴鸡蛋再次搅拌,将碗放至下巴高度,倾斜让蛋汁细细地流入油锅中,形成一朵朵蛋酥。
The controller parameters can be adjusted by using of crisp fuzzy adjusting rules, so the design of controller is easy to realize. At the same time it also has strong adaptation and robustness.───该控制器的参数调整采用确定性的模糊调整规则,不但使控制器的设计易于实现而且具有很强的适应性和鲁棒性。
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