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时间:2022-09-17 12:00:56 作者:星火作文 字数:2470字


Special canal


特渠───Special canal


the canal are denominated in Special Drawing Rights, a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as its unit of account.───该运河的过境费是以国际货币基金组织(IMF)的特别提款权作为计价的——它是以一揽子货币作为其记账单位的。

Hydro-engineering works were a special concern of Hammurabi's and he caused a canal to be constructed linking Kish (near Babylon) with the Persian Gulf.───谟拉比特别重视兴修水利工程。 他组织人民开凿了一条连接克什(近巴比伦)和波斯湾的运河。

The paper presents a new technical solution of wireless energy transmission for special-site drug delivery system in alimentary canal to solve controlling and energy supply problems.───本文采用无线能量传输技术解决消化道定点施药系统的控制与供能问题。


The venom gland contracts and the venom shoots through a special canal into the wound.