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时间:2022-09-16 20:03:35 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3058字


Grayscale image


灰度图───Grayscale image


For a grayscale image, the bit depth quantifies how many unique shades are available.───对于灰度图像,位深度量化有多少独特的色调。

Save current mask to file as a grayscale image.───保存当前蒙板为灰度图像文件。

The weight-average method was applied to make the original image to the grayscale image.───在图像灰度化的阶段是采用了加权平均值的方法。

The colonization is treated as a process for assigning three-dimensional vector (YUV or RGB) to all pixels in a grayscale image.───一般的涂色方法可以看成是一个将三维的资讯(色差模组或是点阵图的模组)转到一张灰阶图的所有像素上。

Colorization of grayscale image is in general an active and challenging area of research in image processing.───黑白图像的彩色化是图像处理领域一个活跃的、有挑战性的研究课题。

Genetic algorithm is to mainly use maximum between-cluster variance of grayscale image as fitness function.───遗传算法主要以灰度图像的最大类间方差作为适应度函数。


A discrete algorithm for grayscale image resizing through binary image zooming in 3D space is presented.

BMP bitmap including 24 true color, grayscale image, and from 24 to achieve true color images to gray scale image conversion.

The produced grayscale morphological operators are designed for operations between grayscale structure element and grayscale image, and their operations have a clear physical interpretation.