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时间:2022-09-16 12:03:24 作者:语文迷 字数:2324字


have wide range of knowledge


知识面───width of knowledge;广───wide


A person with good work in the peer skills, there is the width of knowledge, has not been reflected in its well-known, it is because the need for well-known is an act of God, the need for luck.───一个人具有在同行中出色的技艺,有令人叹服的学问,却未见其出名,那是因为出名是需要天意,需要运气的。

attainments in the field of Song poem studies, displaying the width and depth of his broad knowledge.───在宋诗研究方面,白敦仁先生也达到很高的造诣,体现了其广博精微的特点。

Knowledge: why is the stone cage net pad pad, pad type engineering components because it is the length and width of its thickness is far less than the stone cage nets.───知识:护垫为什么叫石笼网护垫呢,因为是其厚度远远小于石笼网箱的长度和宽度的垫型工程构件。
