Monk's bed
Black Friar ( Dominican monk )───( 多明我会的 ) 修道士.
He decided to give away everything he possessed and become a monk.───他决定放弃他所有的一切,出家为僧.
An old monk, who gather around with a bunch of devout disciples.───一位老和尚, 他身边聚拢着一帮虔诚的弟子.
He shaved his head and became a monk.───他削发为僧.
One day, came a young girl asks to a monk or nun.───有一天, 来了一个年轻的小姑娘要求出家.
Soon came a long monk.───不久来了个长和尚.
He disguised himself as a monk.───他扮作一个僧人.
Because monk seals are so reclusive, biologists know little about how seal mothers raise their pups.───因为僧海豹的生活非常隐秘, 所以生物学家对海豹妈妈是如何抚养幼仔的知之甚少.
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