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时间:2022-09-14 16:00:33 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2637字


He felt tired


疲惫───tired out;感到───feel


We were tired out when we returned from taking the dog for a walk.───领着狗散步回来后,我们已经筋疲力尽.

He's tired out already - he'll never make the summit.───他已经疲倦了,他绝到不了山顶.

He was obviously tired out.───他显然筋疲力尽了。

She was tired out with wonder and marvelling.───一整天的猎奇把她累坏了.

He was tired out, and he slept more soundly than usual.───他累透了, 睡得比平时踏实.

I'm tired out , ie exhausted.───我筋疲力尽了.

You might get just a little bit tired out after the first few thousand kilometers, especially with all the oxygen tanks you'll have to be hauling up with you.───在爬完刚开始几千公里后,你可能会觉得有点累,特别是你还要带一大堆氧气罐一起爬上去。

I've been on my legs all day and I'm tired out.───我整天站着,累极了.


He looks tired out .

Dee was tired out but couldn't sleep.

He was obviously tired out.

I must sit down and rest.I'm tired out.

They were cold, hungry and tired out .