You make trouble
The street was crowded and noisy.───这条街拥挤嘈杂。
His daughter was very active and noisy in the mornings.───他的女儿一到上午就很好动,吵吵闹闹的。
She tried to hush her noisy father.───她试图让吵吵嚷嚷的父亲安静下来。
It's all been very noisy and bothersome in Parliament this week.───这个星期国会里一直乱哄哄的,让人心烦。
Our next-door neighbours are very noisy.───我们隔壁的邻居非常吵。
It might, at last, silence the small but noisy intellectual clique.───它可能最终会使这个聒噪的知识分子小圈子安静下来。
There was no vibration transmitted to the handles and the machine wasn't noisy either.───没有任何振动传导到手柄,机器也没有任何噪音。
Little Timmy is a noisy feeder.───小蒂米吃东西时发出响声.
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