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时间:2022-09-13 23:15:36 作者:趣历史 字数:3261字






Territorial disputes were resolved in guatemala's recognition of belize in 1991.───领土争端在1991年危地马拉承认伯利兹后得到解决.

Guatemala is in a profound crisis," she says.───她说“危地马拉处正陷入深刻的危机中。”

Recent eruptions of several volcanoes in Guatemala covered the city in a fresh layer of ash.───博尼斯表示,最近危地马拉当地数座火山爆发,整个城市都蒙上一层厚厚的火山灰.

GUATEMALA offers an astonishing diversity of spectacular landscapes.───危地马拉变幻多端的壮丽景观令人叹为观止!

Most Allspice is produced in Jamaica, but alternative sourcesinclude Guatemala, Honduras, and Mexico.───大多数多香果产于牙买加, 但也有另外的来源,包括危地马拉, 洪都拉斯和墨西哥.

The disease also exists in Guatemala and has now turned up in New Zealand.───危地马拉和新西兰也发现了“斑马片”.

Guerilla ad in Guatemala for a Super Glue Product.───危地马拉(丁美洲)则为超级胶水做的移动广告. 不知道那车子还能开吗?

It is mainly distributed in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Brazil, Belize and western Honduras and El Salvador.───主要分布在墨西哥南部 、 危地马拉 、 巴西 、 伯利兹以及洪都拉斯和萨尔瓦多西部地区.


United Nations Guatemala pesos are big silver coin.

GUATEMALA offers an astonishing diversity of spectacular landscapes.

Guerilla ad in Guatemala for a Super Glue Product.

President: Mr. EMILIO ARENALES ( Guatemala ).

In Guatemala, a lower-middle-income country, 62 percent of Spanish-speaking girls but only 26 percent of indigenous, non-Spanish-speaking girls complete primary school.