His calling was the short story—a form with “the life expectancy of a mayfly”, he conceded.───他的创作重心是短篇——这种文学形式的“生命周期可比蜉蝣”,他也曾这样承认过。
Oprah: [Reading from the poem] "I am a mayfly metamorphosing on the surface of the river.───欧普拉:[念诗]“我是河面上的蜉蝣生物。
The mayfly is to trout fly fishing, what the microchip is to the personal computer.───鳟鱼是飞的蜉蝣,什么是个人电脑晶片。
In May 1911 the Mayfly was found to lack sufficient lift to get airborne.───一九一一年五月,发现“蜉蝣号”飞艇的升力不足.
There were squirming, naked mayfly nymphs that had always been hidden before.
In lakes, crustaceans, molluscs, leeches and mayflies dwindle, although predators remain more numerous, feeding on alternative prey.
The nymphs, or first larval stages of mayflies, are also adapted to very particular conditions.
Once mayfly larvae are found, they will be removed.
Yet the return of the mayflies is no longer as inevitable as the return of May.