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时间:2022-09-13 00:52:03 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2770字


Improve the efficiency of resource utilization




The world's resources are finite.───世界的资源是有限的。

The fossil fuels (coal and oil) are finite resources.───化石燃料(如煤和石油)属于有限资源。

Resources will be further strained by new demands for housing.───资源将因新的住房需求而变得更紧张。

It isn't them who use up the world's resources.───并不是他们把全球的资源耗费殆尽的。

By December last year most of the resources had been spoken for.───去年12月之前,绝大多数的资源就被预订了。

They are looking at ways of reducing the waste of natural resources.───他们正在寻找减少自然资源浪费的方法。

Universities are facing grave problems because of diminishing resources.───由于资源的减少,大学正面临严峻的问题。

Our resources are strained to the utmost.───我们的资源极端紧缺。


The company should divert more resources into research.

Local authorities have to learn to allocate resources efficiently.

Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources.

We must preserve our natural resources.

Craft Resources also sells yarn and embroidery floss.