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时间:2022-09-13 00:45:26 作者:星火作文 字数:2904字


the best and the brightest




Hundreds of junior civil servants have to be put up in hotel rooms and temporary hostels.───数百名初级文职官员只能被安排到旅馆和临时青年招待所过夜。

He is confident the backroom can step into the temporary void.───他确信原先的幕后智囊能够填补暂时的空缺。

The party has been taking on staff, including temporary organisers.───这个政党一直在招募工作人员,包括临时的组织人员。

They built a temporary home out of zincs.───他们用瓦楞铁板搭建了一个临时住所。

The administration's sublime incompetence is probably temporary.───政府的极端软弱无能或许只是暂时的。

Under law, your employer has the right to hire a temporary worker to replace you.───根据法律规定,你的雇主有权雇用一名临时工来代替你。

temporary relief from pain───短暂的解痛

The government expected a temporary accord with the Opposition before the end of the year.───政府期望年底以前和反对党达成临时协议.


They just reached a temporary agreement.

There are temporary traffic lights because of the roadworks.

Temporary workers are ineligible for the pension scheme.

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I'm living with my parents, but it's only temporary.